The Nova Scotia Fire Fighters Burn Treatment Society works exclusively with Canada Helps to accept donations for our programs. If you wish to contribute to the ongoing efforts of our Society, you may do so by clicking the "Donate Now" link above.


Along with post hospital support, the Society also offers support for continuing education related to burn injuries as well as specific conferences recognized by the Society that we feel will benefit survivors of burn injuries.

The Canadian Burn Survivors Community Conference is held every second (2nd) year in a different Province within Canada. The first was held in Winnipeg, Manitoba, in 2005. The NSFFBTS has hosted this conference twice in Halifax; in 2006 and again in 2018. More information on the Canadian Burn Survivors Community can be found on their website by clicking here. The Phoenix Society also hosts the World Burn Congress every year in a different State in the USA. Both conferences are designed around the social, mental and potential pysical needs of burn survivors.

The Nova Scotia Fire Fighters Burn Treatment Society occassionally provides limited funding for certain education opportunities and conferences related to the mental and physical treatment of burn care. These opportunities will be listed here with appropriate deadlines for applications. The deadlines are firm as the Board of Directors must meet to approve the expense(s). Submissions after the stated deadline will not be considered by the Board unless there are extenuating circumstances AND the Board has reasonable time to meet and discuss the expense. Below is a list of the following opportunities for funding:

2024 Canadian Burn Conference - Niagara On The Lake: October 18-20:  The deadline for requesting financial assistance for this conference has passed (July 31, 2024). No further requests for funding are being accepted.

2025 Canadian Burn Survivors Conference: April 30 - May 3, 2025: This conference has been advertised in the Canadian Burn Survivors Community newsletter but to date there has been no information posted directly on their website. We believe the plan is for the conference to be held in Victoria, BC. The NSFFBTS has already secured a number of hotel rooms for the conference but will not be booking flights until there is a formal announcement of the conference along with the start of a schedule of events posted on the groups website. Once this happens, the Society will begin the process of selecting burn injury patients to attend the conference and start booking flights. Historically, the Society has provided funding for registration, airfare, and hotel accomodations to burn survivors who have received support from the Society and been recommended to attend by burn unit hospital staff. Please check back frequently as the Board of Directors, in conjunction with hospital burn unit staff, will be making funding decisions for this conference once we see some formal announcements from the Canadian Burn Suvivors Community.

Newsletter To Survivors Of Burn Injuries: A newsletter and questionnaire has been sent out to burn patients who have recieved assistance from the Nova Scotia Fire Fighters Burn Treatment Society. The purpose of the newsletter is to gauge interest in future support with regard to the many programs the Society offers. A copy of the newsletter and questionnaire can be obtained by clicking here.